Ultimate Fail

I like that we apologize for our abandonment and beg for your love and mercy only to do the exact same thing in even less time. But hey, it’s like a real relationship, right? Right?! Yes. But seriously, I am sorry for completely leaving you behind. Once again, I’m back!

And to keep the honesty train rolling, I was inspired to post again after reading some of my fav blogs and seeing their success (2birds1blog, life2pointoh, hyperbole and a half just to name a few) and the fact that my friends created their own blog to track their frugalness of living at school this summer. Hobosummer.blogspot.com — check it out!  Basically, the principle is simple — spend as little as possible without being admitted to the hospital for malnutrition or something similar. Now, there are two reasons why I love this blog and idea.

1. I’m one of the cheapest people alive.

Well, I used to be one of the cheapest people alive. Though I now have some money due to selling my soul for the last year and becoming an “adult,” I most certainly didn’t have any money during college. (Also, to clarify, I don’t want to come across as someone who “has money.” I live at home with my parents and can basically pocket the pennies I do make. And even though I still have to ration my spending, compared to these two, I’m Donald fucking Trump.) I worked with both Josh and Chelsea at our university’s writing center (as did Christina, ahh mems), and we call all attest that living off of minimum wage at a school of trust fund babies isn’t the easiest thing. I honestly lived off of grilled cheese and vodka my Junior year alone. Oh, and buttered noodles.

2. Competitions excite me. Done and done.

I know both of these people and let me say honestly, this could be a great competition. The determination, the willpower, the smack-talking — ALL GOLDEN. Josh and Chelsea both seem to have a good idea of just exactly how they are going to watch their spending, and you’ll have to go to their blog to see just how, but I would like to point out one thing regarding something Josh said. In reference to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Josh claims “I eat it in bites, it takes me four hours to finish it.” Who the fuck are you, you mutant child? I had a PB&J for lunch today and thought, huh. Let’s give this a whirl. One hour. ONE, not four. It just sat there taunting me as my stomach growled and even howled at one point. So on that note, I’m already impressed and the summer has just begun for them.

So good luck to both of you!

Christina and I are off to Florida for some boozin and beachin so don’t expect a post over the next several days. HA! See? It is like a real relationship. You give us nothing but love and all you get in return are some weak, empty promises.